This program is just for women.
Girl- I know you want to feel vibrant, radiant, gorgeous and SEXY from inside out and outside to in.
This program will help you use your yoga practice to awaken your inner sensual and gorgeous goddess in order to have awesome sex.
We will meet for live chats where we can hold space for each other, where we can be vulnerable, where we can share our stories.
This is a place for women to come together and support each other and to be supported.
This is a space to be totally yourself, share your hopes and dreams and fears and connect with other women who are doing the same.
This is a place to be heard and to be loved.
This is a place where we will learn how to use yoga to have WAY better sex!
We will touch on ancient yogic themes about sex and celibacy as well as tantric themes like the chakras and oneness.
We will meditate, chat live, and practice yoga together 
in order to raise our sexual vibrations and have amazing, mindblowing AND mindful sex- Yogi style.
Be the first to know when this program is ready!!
So excited! 
xo Lauren 

Try my handstand course for free!

Turn your life upside down!

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Try my handstand course for free!

Turn your life upside down!