One of my personal favorites, triangle pose feels delicious on just about every part of the body.

It’s therapeutic for back pain, flat feet, neck pain and sciatica, this pose also helps relieve anxiety.


So this asana really isn’t all about getting your bottom arm to the ground. It’s about stretching the side body and aligning the torso with the front leg.

It doesn’t matter if your hand gets close to the ground or not.

Find heal to arch alignment in the feet. Ground through all four corners of 2 feet. Firm the thighs up toward the groins. Inhale to stand tall, elongate the back and extend the arms out to the sides. Exhale and reach the front arm forward and the torso forward as much as possible. Try to align the front arm and side of the waist with the front leg.

At the end of the exhale and the end of your reach, tilt the shoulders to come into the full posture.

Try to keep the hips working to open. Use the back glute to help do this.

Keep the neck long and the chest open. Imagine a spreading of the sternum. The head can look down at the front foot, straight in front or at the top arm. Just make sure there’s no strain in the next. The forehead should be above the chin at all times (jalandara bandha)

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